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BioRemove AM

BioRemove COD

OdorCap® 5700

Rapid Release FOG Block

BG Max 3000

Water resource recovery is crucial to safeguarding public health and the environment. As water usage continues to increase, treatment demand often outstrips infrastructure design. EnviroZyme is proud to serve municipal treatment plants with solutions to:
Oxygen demand serves as the main benchmark for measuring organic pollution in effluent. EnviroZyme offers products and technical expertise to target a wide range of organics for:
Each component of the wastewater system plays a critical role in protecting human health and the environment, from collection and transportation to treatment and disposal.
EnviroZyme offers solutions and expertise for all parts of wastewater infrastructure (green dots above) to address challenges at their source and precisely when they occur.
This proactive strategy not only simplifies the wastewater treatment process but also enhances its effectiveness both overall and during each stage.
In the U.S. alone, many facilities are reaching the end of their service lives, which is 40-50 years. 50%+ of the Northeast's systems and 35% of the Midwest's are over 60 years old.
Systems are nearing or over their design capacities. On average, they are functioning at 81%, and 15% have reached or exceeded capacity. This trend is expected to worsen with urban growth.
We expect needs to outpace spending by $434 billion by 2029. Our microbial treatment process innovations help compensate via more efficient use of existing capacity and limited resources.
Wastewater is your number one priority—and ours. Sign up today to jumpstart the conversation with a partner who will work hand in hand with you to get the most out of your system, including:
Normal operations mean efficient, cost-effective and on-schedule progress. That is why we have created a product selector guide to help you troubleshoot disruptions, streamline the decision-making process, and ultimately get your plant back to normal faster.
Answer a few simple questions, and our product selector guide will pick the best product for your treatment challenge.
BioRemove AM helped a municipal wastewater treatment plant stay up to code through a cold winter.
Nitrogen is a key nutrient and essential for all living organisms for survival. Continue reading to learn how nitrogen goes from the atmosphere to living things through the Nitrogen Cycle and why it's important.
EnviroZyme® partnered with a municipal wastewater treatment plant in New York that receives wastewater with high FOG (fat, oil, and grease) content from a local snack food manufacturer, as well as waste from the nearby city, and had been experiencing issues with severe foaming.
A village in the middle of Michigan's agricultural heartland contained 3 wastewater lagoons with elevated volumes of sludge on their floors. They entered into a year-long lagoon remediation program with EnviroZyme to reduce the volume of sludge and defer dredging costs in each of the 3 lagoons using WWT 5B Brown.
In plants that utilize activated sludge, microorganisms produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that play a definite part in sludge flocculation, but what happens when there is too much EPS?
Foaming is a pervasive problem that can occur in aeration tanks, secondary clarifiers, and anaerobic digesters. The consequences of foaming range from inconvenient to downright dangerous, making it crucial to prevent or otherwise correct foaming as efficiently as possible.
EnviroZyme formulates and blends high-quality strains, as well as IP-owned microbes to deliver custom solutions for your municipality’s unique needs. We can match your wastewater’s composition to specific bacteria based on the enzymes they produce.